St. James Camera Club ®
Agenda September 2023
Meeting in Person
7:00 PM
President – Renée Zernitsky
VP Jay Beaumont
Treasurer John Strobl
Secretary Mary Shields
Minutes and attendance will be taken by Terri DelNegro for Mary
New Business:
Clubs new Brochure
September/October Field Trips
Black and White Challenge in Goshen
Scavenger Hunt follow up. Bring your images to the meeting on a jump drive
Mtn. Lake Park Exhibit
Wallkill Town Hall Exhibit
Exhibits members have participated in this year as solo photographers
Announcement: End of The Year photo Contest – Deadlines For October.
Submission dates to be announced.. Voting takes place at our November meeting
Preview of images from August and September's,' Photo Challenges and field trips.
Google Slides Photo Challenge for October "Negative Space",
There will be no Challenge for the month of December
Check out our Featured Photographer for this month. Go to to preview. It could be you!
Our next meeting is October 10th
Renée Zernitsky Pres. SJCC