St. James Camera Club ®

June's Meeting Minutes
· Renée called the meeting to order at 7:16
· Renee introduced new two members, Alison and Brian
· Renée reminded the members to take photographs of Goshen for a future exhibit to be held in the new Goshen Library in 2020.
· John thanked the club members who submitted images, photo cards and more to the church for the St. James’ Church Annual Luncheon.
· Currently, we have exhibits at Noble Coffee Roasters Café and Glen Arden Retirement Center. We are looking into exhibiting at the Brotherhood Winery, Joe Fordham has a connection there. He will enquire about dates and help organize the event with Robin.
· Upcoming field trips:
Harriman State Park on June 18th at 5 PM. Mtn. Laurel is in Bloom.
Sunday June 30th to Bannerman’s Island. Must pre-register, boat leaves Newburgh at 11 AM, rain or shine. Fee payment required prior to event
Iona Island Tour on June 16th. Not a SJCC event. It’s a private Tour with Doc Baine These tours are held once or twice a year. They ask that you register online for the tour.
Mark said HVPPSNY is sponsoring a workshop August 5th with Jim LaSala and Clark Thompson, “On the Street & in the Air” Street Photography, includes opportunity to take photos of the streets of Newburgh and the Trapeze School. Reg. required by Aug 4th. Fee $50.00 pp.
David said, the Honesdale Roots and Rhythm Music Fest is on June 15th and the Milford Music Fest is on June 22nd. Both are good opportunities to do street photography and event photography.
· Billy gave an in-depth presentation in Adobe PSCC, on his image editing workflow. We all picked up a new technique or two.
· A Reminder: The club now has a different way to upload photographs for display at the meetings. The website is yogile.com. Renée will send a link for each meeting, and club members can upload their photos. Wes demonstrated the process.
· Another Reminder: The print competition will be in the Fall, depending on the availability of the judges. See http://drpp-ny.org/print-rules-2/ for typical competition rules. See http://drpp-ny.org/spring-2019/ for the latest winners of the Dutchess Regional Professional Photographers print competition.
· Calendar Submissions are due in August. Proceeds will help pay for the overhead projector we need for the church
· July’s meeting may be held outdoors – Stay tuned for announcement
· John Verner is our guest speaker for our August Meeting – bring lap tops
John will demo his editing workflow along with you.
Jay Beaumont – Minutes
Cc: Renée Zernitsky edits