St. James Camera Club ®

January 2021 Meeting Minutes By Mary Shields
Guest Speaker Debbie Quick Wildlife Photographer
Meeting started at 7 pm
President's Report:
Reminder - annual dues are 25$ for the year. John Strobl ( treasurer) has asked if we would send him a check this year since we are not having our usual meetings at the church. He will email his home address
Billy and Renée are currently updating the club's web page and asked all members to submit images to be considered for posting to the gallery. They ask that the images be of only their best work. Renée pointed out that the page was a public page and asked that the content be appropriate.
Renee announced the winners of our Dec. 2020 "End of the Year Photo Contest,"
1st place Sheila Almond for landscape,
1st place Mark Kovner for B&W and Macro.
Guest Speaker, Deborah Quick, an avid wildlife and bird photographer from Pleasant Valley, N.Y. Her work is well known throughout the Hudson Valley and she has won many awards for her photographs of owls.
Deb presented a slideshow of her Owl and Raptor images and discussed the best way to capture birds in flight. Deb give us tips on the types of equipment needed and the best time of day to find them out and about. Her discussion was followed by an open Q&A from the group.
Speaker for our March meeting will be Joe Brady.
Mary SJCC Secretary