St. James Camera Club ®
November 2022 Agenda
Calendars are in come purchase your copies. Cash or check accepted
Warwick Park Project – we need your help
End of the year Photo Contest: Categories. To be held virtually in December.
Categories are:
Antiques and or anything old
Motivational Field trips - Signup so we can plan it
Innisfree Park
Winding Hills Park
Warwick Park – Mountain Lake Park – on going
Simple Hikes
Exhibits: OCCC Art exhibit – Sept. 27th - December 18th. Reception November 6th 2:30 -5:00pm
Donations for Church Bazaar. Bring your Donations to this meeting event will be held on November 19th.
Renée will demonstrate her workflow when working with Macro and have a brief demo on Focus Stacking using Helicon Software.
December "End of the Year Photo Contest" via Zoom
Speaker for January to be announced
Photo Challenge for:
November is “Rule of Thirds”
SJCC Web Page Featured Photographer for November is Larry Werner
Possible Exhibit in January at the Wallkill Town Hall -
Renée Zernitsky
SJCC Pres.