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July Meeting Minutes 2019

Meeting was held at the OC Arboretum - Outdoors

Once or twice a year we like to have an outdoor meeting, this year we all met at the Orange County Arboretum in Montgomery for a short meeting and photo shoot. It turned out to be a great evening.

·         Renée called the meeting to order at 7:30

·         Renée introduced a new member Lesia.  Lesia contacted me via our web page and attended this meeting Yulia also connected with us via our web page – Welcome to our club.

·         Currently, we have an exhibit at Glen Arden Retirement Center. We are looking into exhibiting at the Brotherhood Winery, Joe Fordham has a connection there. He will inquire about dates and help organize the event with Robin.

·         Upcoming field trips:

o   HVPPSNY is sponsoring a workshop August 5th with Jim LaSala and Clark Thompson, “On the Street & in the Air” Street Photography, includes opportunity to take photos of the streets of Newburgh and the Trapeze School. Reg. required by Aug 4th.  Fee $50.00 pp.


·         A Reminder:  Wetransfer is the preferred upload to send us images. We also use the Both are user friendly.  Any questions call Renée.  

·         Another Reminder:  The print competition has been postponed, due to availability of the judges.  See for typical competition rules.  See    Continue to get your photos ready - Please go to the site noted here for guidelines

·         Calendar Submissions are due in August.  Sale of the calendars proceeds will help pay for the overhead projector we need for the church additional money will go to the church.

·         We will confirm how many calendars we need to purchase

·         Theme images will be previewed at our Sept. meeting – Thank you for your submissions

Be sure to look for them on our web page along with some inspirational assignments.

·         August: Paid Speaker:   John Verner will be our guest speaker at our August Meeting –    Bring your laptops.

·         This is a paid speaker.  Do your best to attend even if you don’t have a laptop, there is plenty to share with someone

John will demo his editing workflow along with you.  



Renée Zernitsky

Cc: Jay Beaumont                                                            

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