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 May Meeting Minutes 2018 

  • Renée called the meeting to order at 7:05.


  • The club will have an exhibit at Glen Arden in June 3rd thru the 30th.  All Juried Photos hung at Warwick are eligible.  Space is limited to one or two photos per photographer.   Photographers should attend the reception and share the story of their image with the residents. (Date to be announced)  


  • The St. James’ Church Garden tour is June 16th.  Many club members donated images that may be given as door prizes.  Garden Tour tickets are $40.  There will be a pre-tour on June 14th in the evening. 


  • There will be a Macro Workshop with Herb Chong on May 20th at 9:00 AM.  The location is the Orange County Arboretum.  Herb will discuss equipment and lenses. And he will bring a variety of lenses for members to try. A downpour will cancel, but drizzle will not cancel.


  • Robin has stepped down as Chairperson of the Exhibits Committee.  Renée asked the members to volunteer to be the Chairperson.  Renée said she is willing to help the new Chairperson.  The primary tasks are:  contacting venues, making arrangements for setup, reception; and take down; and organizing the jurying and hanging committee.


  • Several members went on a field trip to the Gomez Mill House in Marlboro on April 28th.  The site is an old estate established in 1714.  Some of the field trip members displayed images they took on the trip.


  • Joe Brady was our featured guest speaker this month. Joe is a professional landscape and portrait photographer and an expert at PS Lightroom. Joe demonstrated the many tools he uses for editing his photos using the PS Lightroom software.



  •  Visit Joe’s web page for more information


Next Month's Guest Speaker will be Dave Albrecht




Minutes by Jay Beaumont  

Cc: President, Renée Zernitsky

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