St. James Camera Club ®
April 2022 - Agenda
Virtual Meeting
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Guest Speakers Terri DelNegro and Billy Carpio
Treasurer Report: John Strobl
Secretary: Mary Shields, update contact information for our files
Update: Club Calendar for 2023 – We need Calendar committee members: So far, we have Renée and Dave
Images needed by June 30th. Waiting on submissions
Follow up from our Board meeting:
Please welcome our New SJCC Board Member, Mark Yasika
Plans for Spring and possible in person meetings
SJCC – Garden Tour June 18th donations for auction
Purchase TV monitor for Parish Hall
Exhibits for 2022 and updated guidelines for exhibiting
Topics for our Speakers for 2022
Calendar 2023 - Committee
EXHIBITS: Noble Roasters Café opened on April 1st - April 30th, 2022.
Warwick Library Exhibit: June 1st – is a Juried event. Theme,” Rural Life” Details to follow
How our images will be previewed since this is a juried show, to be discussed
Wallkill Town Hall: July 2022 - August
Field trips April – May
Liberty Loop for wildlife, wildflowers, and mushrooms, etc.
Orange County Arboretum Macro Field Workshop - with Herb Chong Postponed
Suggested hikes: Doris Duke Trail, Van Scott Reserve and Stewart State Forest
Speakers: Details of how to do Light Painting with Terri DelNegro and Architecture with Billy Carpio
Featured Photographer for April will be announced at our meeting
“It Could be You!” If you cannot attend the meeting, please visit our club’s website, and send the featured photographer a congratulations note via email.
Invites: If you have a friend that you know is interested in joining our club, please invite them to attend.
Photo Challenge for April is “Straight out of the Camera” use no editing techniques
SJCC Google Slides Photo Challenge for April
Photo Challenge May: There will be no Photo Challenge for May –
Next Meeting May 10th, 2022, IN PERSON Hands-on Workshop with Terri DelNegro on Light Painting
Please join us. We are so looking forward to seeing everyone. We miss you when you don’t!
Renée Zernitsky
President St. James’ Camera Club